Honouring the Life of Quong Tart

Honouring the Life of Quong Tart Main Image

By The Hon. Chris Minns MP

19 July 2023

As Premier of NSW, I believe it is important to recognise and acknowledge our rich cultural and historical heritage and the historical figures that have made positive contributions to NSW.

This week, the Minns Labor Government unveiled a Blue Plaque in the suburb of Ashfield to celebrate the life of historical figure Mr Quong Tart and recognise his political advocacy and charity work in the 1800’s.

Quong Tart’s plaque will be the first ever Blue Plaque for an Australian Chinese person in the history of NSW.

Moy Quong Tart was born in China in 1850, before moving to NSW at the age of nine.

Quong Tart was a Chinese Australian icon who worked tirelessly for his local community. 

He was a founding member of the Lin Yik Tong Society, a charitable association of Chinese merchants. As a leader in the organisation, Quong regularly delivered meals to the poor and homeless while also hosting concerts and exhibitions to support the arts.

For his whole life, Mr Tart worked to combat anti-Chinese sentiment and promote multiculturalism in NSW. He celebrated diversity and welcomed all people regardless of their ethnicity or faith.

It is only right that the Minns Labor Government honours the tireless activism and hard work of Mr Quong Tart.

Quong Tart was selfless in his charity work and political advocacy and this plaque is a small symbol of appreciation and gratitude to not only Quong but the whole Chinese Australian community.

It is my absolute honour as your Premier, to be able to commemorate the life of Quong Tart who dedicated much of his life to helping others and improving the quality of life for us all.

Yours sincerely,

The Hon. Chris Minns MP
Premier of New South Wales
Member for Kogarah